The Antic Files Episode 014 – Supplement

This episode features Antic Magazine #014, Volume 2, Number 8, from November 1983.

Podcast: Download

Issue Cover

Featured Content

Screenshots from the “Starting Line” department article titled “Sound Demo”:

Screenshots from the “Here’s Looking At You S.A.M.!” feature article:

Screenshots from the “Sound Beyond Sound” feature article:

Screenshots from the “Simple Synthesizer” feature article:

Screenshots from the “Pick A Chord” feature article:

Screenshots from the “Random Music” feature article:

Screenshots from the “Logo/Pilot” department article titled “Sweet Toots”:

Screenshots from the “In The Public Domain” department article presenting the BASIC game “Air Raid 2000”:

Screenshots from the “Kids Korner” department article presenting a BASIC game written by 12 year old Greg Burdett:

Coverdisk (unofficial) screenshot:

Show Links

Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Zane Little named The Cool Factor.  It is used under Creative Commons License Deed (CC0 1.0 Universal), and with express written permission of the author.

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